- icon share: awesome icon near the title
- title: title of share
- socials: a comma separte list of socials
- class: custom css added to container
- circle size: circle dimension(if circle is ‘yes’)
- circle border size: border size of circle(if circle is ‘yes’)
- href: address of link
- target: target of link
- title: title of social
- icon share: awesome icon near the title
- title: title of share
- socials: a comma separte list of socials
- class: custom css added to container
- size: type size(small/normal)
- icon type: type of the icon(icon or text)
- show in cloud: whether to show socials list inside a popup
- username: twitter username
- consumer key: consumer key (twitter api)
- consumer secret: consumer secret (twitter api)
- access token: access token (twitter api)
- access token secret: access token secret (twitter api)
- items: number of items will be shown
- class: twitter container class
- time: whether to show twit time
- Accordions
- Alert boxes
- Box titles
- Bullet List
- Buttons
- Call To Action
- Code
- Columns
- Contact form
- Contact info
- Counters
- Dropcap & Highlight
- Flexslider
- Icon Box
- Icon Columuns
- Image Banners
- Image lightbox
- Image slider
- Logos Slider
- Modal
- Number Section
- Parallax
- Parallax Slider
- Pie Chart
- Progress Bar
- Quote
- Random Numbers
- Recent Posts
- Section Background
- Separator
- Sound Cloud Player
- Shop shortcodes
- Social
- Tabs
- Team
- Testimonials
- Video